
South Africa in 10 Photos

by Madison File, who studied abroad in Stellenbosch for the summer of 2023 South Africa is hands down the most beautiful country I have ever visited. This image is of me and one of my friends who went abroad with me. This picture was taken only about three days into the trip, far before I […]

Ten Pieces of Advice for Studying Abroad in Stellenbosch, South Africa

Categories: Uncategorized

by Madison File 1. Take a Few Days to Adjust to the New Environment: If you have never studied abroad before, or even if you have, it is important to give yourself grace on the first few days as you orient yourself to the new environment which you will be living in for an extended […]

Life in a Homestay

Categories: Uncategorized

By Jacob Henry A homestay experience can be pretty daunting to think about if you are doing it for the first time. I was a little nervous and anxious too, but I almost immediately realized that I had no reason to be. I recently did a study abroad trip to Santander, Spain and stayed with […]

Experiencing global architecture

By Megan Fowler As I completed my study abroad trip in Rome, a smaller group of classmates and I chose to continue our time abroad, traveling to Istanbul Turkey for three weeks. During this time we completed a short design workshop with a Turkish University, allowing us to meet and interact with other architecture students. […]

Take a step back in time: italian architecture continues to amaze

By Sydney Garceau My study abroad experience through the University of North Carolina at Charlotte is primarily housed within Rome, Italy, but I have been fortunate enough to travel on weekends to other areas around Italy and Europe at large. I have discovered within my studies guided by the University (such as the recent Tuscany […]

The Layers of architecture in rome

By Stephanie Shue Rome is an ancient city that is layered with thousands of years of history. In my Architecture Rome History class we have talked extensively about palimpsest, which, in the context of the class, is when architecture is changed or reused over time. From visiting and studying numerous historical sites in Rome, I […]

Odyssean Scholar: Returning Home

Mannheim, Germany

Odyssean Scholar: Christmas Time Is Here

Mannheim, Germany

Odyssean Scholar: Time Flies….

Mannheim, Germany